For people who rely on the transport business, having a car off the road may cost the business money. You need to ensure they are back on the road as soon as possible. In case of such a situation fleet towing offer the best services. There are various towing companies that offer fleet towing across the country.
The companies can be reached through a simple phone call and request for fleet towing services. However, there are some factors that you should consider before making that phone call.
Considering a reputable towing company that offers fleet towing services. This will ensure the safety of your vehicles. Listen to what your business partners as well as the websites say about the
reputation of the company you consider. This will ensure that the vehicles are handled carefully and are safely moved from the roadside to the garage or the required destination. For example,
ASCO Auto Body Shop of Fremont told us that they found a great towing service through trial and error. Once they found one that was always on time, had great reviews, and great customer service, they stuck with them. They’ve become a great partner for that collision center in Fremont California.
It is important to consider the cost of fleet towing services. There are towing companies that have higher charges than others. Consider one that is pocket friendly and offers the best services. A bigger commercial fleet has a higher charger than a smaller commercial fleet. It is advisable to consider cost as well as look for towing companies that offer discounts for fleet towing services specifically.
The experience of the driver is very important to avoid further damage to the vehicles. Some towing companies tend to use inexperienced drivers since they charge less. Though it is tempting since the companies may offer fleet towing services at a lower cost it is not advisable. This is because fleet towing requires even more mechanical knowledge and skill and drivers without experience are prone to make mistakes.
Even the smallest details matter for the safety of your vehicles. Be very cautious while filling in the paperwork. Ask all the necessary questions before hiring a fleet towing company. Cases of car theft have been reported across the country which leads to vehicle owners incurring more cost tracking their vehicles.
Though the fleet towing services are expensive it is worth the cost. Take your time to avoid faulty mistakes that may lead to even further damage. Ensure you deal with a professional driver who understands fleet towing regulation to avoid getting into trouble with the law. This will prevent car damage.
Many states have different towing laws. This article talks about South Carolina and how they handle their towing.
Towing laws in South Carolina
The state of Carolina is responsible for overseeing the process of determining the safety of towing vehicles, minimum requirements of insurance and working to ensure the credibility of towing businesses. In addition to this, it also authorizes the maximum limit and rates for towing for tows without consent.
It is a mandatory clause for any vehicle to have well-fitted service brakes that work adequately in controlling vehicle movement bringing it to a stop. Additionally, the brakes should be able to hold the vehicle while carrying any amount of load regardless of the grade of operation. In the state, all vehicles must have a braking system for all the wheels if assembled or manufactured after the year 1949. This rule, however, exempts trailers or semitrailers which have a gross weight of fewer than 3000 lbs. The total weight which includes the wheels is should be less than 40% gross weight after combining the towing vehicle to the trailer. In every towing vehicle semitrailer or a trailer, the brakes installed should be arranged in a manner that the service brakes can be controlled from one control device.
The driver must ensure that the trailer has sufficient strength required to pull the towed weight despite the connection whether drawbar or any other suitable connection. In addition to this, a maximum distance of 15 feet from the connection point must be maintained between the towing vehicles. The distance can, however, be regulated if the object being transported is not readily dismembered from the tow vehicle. When towing another vehicle a white flag can be substituted using a cloth that should measure more than 12 inches for vehicles using a chain, cable or rope for connection.
The rear view of the driver should never be obstructed as this could pose a hazard on the roads due to a limited view. This calls for the equipping of a rearview mirror at the driver’s position whereby he can reflect the highway view for a distance of not less than 200 feet.
This rule controls the driving speed of modular, manufactured or even mobile homes. The law requires the transportation of such vehicles to drive within a range of 10 miles under the set maximum speed limit if the posted limit goes beyond 45 mph while still driving under 55 mph. In this case, a towing vehicle pulling a house trailer must adhere to the maximum speed limit for such vehicles at 45 mph. Also, check about the towing laws in Florida so you don’t have to visit other sites.
Towing laws in Florida
Getting that your vehicle has been towed off for whatever reason is usually not a pleasing experience for any driver on the road. A vehicle is bound to be towed off by business owners and property representatives if it is illegally packed within the specified premise. The tow companies despite having this free run are obligated to release your vehicle upon which one is required to pay off a stipulated amount of service fee.
Authority to tow
Parties who own or are leasing property along with their representatives are obligated to tow a vehicle that has been parked illegally within their premises. Despite this allowance, notices must be visible within the premises that forbid the areas to be tow-away zones. However, the residences of single families do not enjoy this rule. The towing process in the state does not leave out water vessels as transportation means on water. Vessels such as watercraft and airboats are included in this rule.
A report to the local police must be issued within which details of the towing process and facility of storage are to be included. While at the storage facility, the owner can view get access to the vehicle subject to the working hours of the towing company. The business should have a contact on their site whereby one could reach them when it is past the business hours.
Towing act
Showing up at the scene when the car is being towed might prove to be a lucky shot whereby the owner is allowed to pay to the towing company a service fee. Unlawful parking is illegal in the state however a chance is given to prevent the vehicle from being towed. The service fee charged is also regulated whereby it should be less than half of the amount paid for tow rates. A receipt is hence issued after the process with an inability to pay the fee leading to the towing away of the vehicle.
Car repossession
The default of an auto loan gives rights of repossession of the vehicle by the lender without any prior notice. At this point, the law allows authorized personnel to gain access to even private residences. However, during this process, ultimate professionalism must be used in the procedure whereby physical force is prohibited along with threats. Additionally, the lender is still allowed to pursue a balance owed if the vehicle does not fully cater for the loan. How illegal and wrongful towing in Florida can put you in trouble and how to get back your vehicle, know all in this post.